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IMPROVE PUBLIC SAFETY by hiring more police officers, fully funding our public safety departments and creating safer streets for bikers, walkers & drivers.

MAINTAIN FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY AND TRANSPARENCY AT CITY HALL by stopping wasteful spending, ending secret, sweetheart deals between Council Members & their political supporters, like the shady airshow settlement deal and balancing the city budgets.

REDUCE HOMELESSNESS by maintaining our system of care that moves people from streets to shelter and housing as well as implementing effective, evidence-based measures, not gimmickry.

PROTECT OUR LIBRARIES FROM POLITICAL INTERFERENCE by letting parents decide what their kids can read, not political appointees and keeping educators and library professionals as our libraries' leaders, not a politically connected corporation.

SUPPORT LOCAL BUSINESSES by working collaboratively with the business community to help them grow and create more jobs, foster stable, predictable city government operations so new businesses can feel confident investing here, make our city – especially our downtown – an attractive destination for everyone by refreshing its appearance and accommodating multiple uses including outdoor dining.

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